Le répertoire et les actus de la bande dessinée africaine


Critique de cinéma

Arts, beaux arts


Vol. 4, Number 1 - Winter 2012

Renseignements :

Edition : Indiana University Press
Genre : Arts, beaux arts

Table of Contents
The Color of Manhood: Reconsidering Pompey in John Ford's Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
- Abigail Horne
"You Talkin' Revolution, Sweetback": On Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song and Revolutionary Filmmaking
- Benjamin Wiggins
Close-Up: Precious
"They Look Way Above Me, Put Me Out of Their Eyes": Seeing the Subjects in Precious: An Introduction in Two Parts
- Suzette Spencer
Tuning into Precious: The Black Women's Empowerment Adaptation and the Interruptions of the Absurd
- Erica R. Edwards
The Precarious Politics of Precious: A Close Reading of a Cinematic Text
- Mia Mask
Dialectical Mediation: The Play of Fantasy and Reality in Precious
- Katie M. Kanagawa
"I Think I Was Rape": Black Feminist Readings of Affect and Incest in Precious
- Régine Michelle Jean-Charles
Push, Precious, and New Narratives of Slavery in Harlem
- Riché Richardson
Acting Out: Counterliteracy Beyond the Ree(a)l
- Honey Crawford
The Counterliteracy of Postmelancholy
- Margo Natalie Crawford
Commentary: The Abject and the Grotesque: Broken Bodies, Broken Dreams, and the Lost Promise of Harlem
- Carol E. Henderson
Commentary: A Collective Appetite: Reception and the White Gaze from Shange to Sapphire
- Rebecca Morgan Frank
Close-Up Gallery: Precious
- David C. Wall
Africultures Dossier
Representing the Itsembabwoko
- Olivier Barlet
Book Reviews
Anne Anlin Cheng. Second Skin: Josephine Baker and the Modern Surface
- Review by: Matthew Pratt Guterl
Archival News
Archive Spotlight: The Image of Black Women in Film Advertising as Seen in the BFC/A's Hatch-Billops Collection
-Paul C. Heyde

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