Le répertoire et les actus de la bande dessinée africaine


Critique de cinéma

Arts, beaux arts


Vol. 4, Number 2 - Spring 2013

Renseignements :

Edition : Indiana University Press
Genre : Arts, beaux arts

Table of Contents
The "Black Man's Vision of the World": Rediscovering Black Arts Filmmaking and the Struggle for a Black Cinematic Aesthetic
- Lars Lierow
Black Glamour and the Hip-Hop Renaissance: Idlewild's Debt to Cabin in the Sky
- Gabriel S. Sealey-Morris
Close-Up: Teza
Introduction: Toward a Close-Up on Teza
- Greg Thomas
Director's Note
- Haile Gerima
Teza Press Kit
- Mypheduh Films
Dragons!: George Jackson in the Cinema with Haile Gerima-from the Watts Films to Teza
- Greg Thomas
On Teza, Cinema, and American Empire: An Interview with Haile Gerima
- Greg Thomas
Close-Up Gallery: Teza
- Metta Sáma and Greg Thomas
Teza: A Review
- Nubia Kai
Viewing Teza, Reading Fanon: Ten Questions for Haile Gerima's Cinema (A Study Guide)
- Danielle Ross and James Stone
The Genius of an African Storyteller: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography of Work on and by Haile Gerima
- Tekletsadik Belachew
Africultures Dossier
Haile Gerima, Teza
- Review by: Olivier Barlet and Melissa Thackway
Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, A Screaming Man
- Review by: Olivier Barlet and Melissa Thackway
Archival News
News from the Black Film Center/Archive
- Stacey Doyle and Brian Graney

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