Le répertoire et les actus de la bande dessinée africaine


Critique de cinéma

Arts, beaux arts


Vol. 3, Number 1 - Winter 2011

Renseignements :

Edition : Indiana University Press
Genre : Arts, beaux arts

Toward a Transnational African Cinema: Image and Authenticity in La Vie sur terre
-Sarah Hamblin
The Rosa Parks Story: The Making of a Civil Rights Icon
- Delphine Letort

Gathering the Scattered Pieces: A Conversation with Akin Omotoso
- Jane Bryce
Filmmaking is My Life, Politics My Mistress: donnie l. betts
- Michael T. Martin

Close-Up: Nothing But a Man
-Michael T. Martin and David Wall
Nothing But a Man: Filmmaker's Perspective
- Robert Young
Nothing But a Man: Cinematic Principles and Practice at Work
- Michael T. Martin and David Wall
Can't Stay, Can't Go: What Is History to a Cinematic Imagination?
- Terri Francis
Historicity and Possibility in Nothing But a Man: A Conversation with Khalil Muhammad
- Michael T. Martin and David Wall
Civil Rights, Labor, and Sexual Politics on Screen in Nothing But a Man (1964)
- Judith E. Smith
Close-Up Gallery: Nothing But a Man

Africultures Dossier
The Ambivalence of French Funding
- Olivier Barlet

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