Le répertoire et les actus de la bande dessinée africaine


Critique de cinéma

Arts, beaux arts


Vol. 2, Number 2 - Spring 2011

Renseignements :

Edition : Indiana University Press
Genre : Arts, beaux arts

Hyenas in the Enchanted Brothel:
"The Naked Truth" in Djibril Diop Mambéty
- Greg Thomas
"Let It Go Black":
Desire and the Erotic Subject in the Films of Bill Gunn
- Marlo D. David
"Redemptive Softness":
Interiority, Intellect, and Black Women's Ecstacy in
Kathleen Collin's Losing Ground
- L.H. Stallings
All the Sad Young Men:
Whiteness as Melancholic Haunting in Black Queer Independent Film
- Samuel Park
The "Top" of the Heap: Race, Manhood, and Legitimation in
My Life in Porn: The Bobby Blake Story
- Terry Rowden
Our Stories Have Never Been Told:
Preliminary Thoughts on Black Lesbian Cultural Production
as Historiography in The Watermelon Woman
- Matt Richardson
Variant Sexualities and African Modernity in
Joseph Gaye Ramaka's Karmen Geï
-Babacar M'Baye
From a Real Place and Real People:
Interview with Mississippi Damned Writer/Director Tina Mabry
- Marlon Rachquel Moore
Africultures Dossier
African Film's Meaningful Body
- Olivier Barlet
Poster Gallery: Coming Attractions
Andrea Barnwell and Valerie Cassel Oliver, eds.,
Cinema Remixed and Reloaded:
Black Women Artists and the Moving Image Since 1970

- Phyllis Lynne Burns
Film Reviews
Kareem Mortimer, Children of God
- Angelique V. Nixon
Dennis Dortch, A Good Day to Be Black and Sexy
- Dolores V. Sisco

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