Le répertoire et les actus de la bande dessinée africaine



Personne concernée

Ouvrage collectif


Power, politics, and the cinematic imagination

Toni Pressley-Sanon, Sophie Saint-Just

Renseignements :

ISBN : 978-0739198780
Genre : Ouvrage collectif
Nombres de page : 298

"This comprehensive collection of essays dedicated to the work of filmmaker Raoul Peck is the first of its kind. The essays, interview, and keynote addresses collected in Raoul Peck: Power, Politics, and the Cinematic Imagination focus on the ways in which power and politics traverse the work of Peck and are central to his cinematic vision. At the heart of this project is the wish to gather diverse interpretations of Raoul Peck's films in a single volume. The essays included herein are written by scholars from different disciplines and are placed alongside Peck's own articulations around the nature of power and politics." - Read more at https://rowman.com

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