Le répertoire et les actus de la bande dessinée africaine


Critique de cinéma




Renseignements :

Genre : Revue


Vol. 16, No. 1 Table of Contents:

Call for Close-Up Submissions

Sambizanga (1972): Aesthetics and Politics of Sarah Maldoror's Film

CLOSE-UP: Reclaiming Blaxploitation in the Global Diaspora

by Joseph E. Roskos and André Seewood

Short Eyes and the Convergence of Nuyorican Poetry, Chicago Soul, and American Independent Cinema

by Cynthia Baron

"You Really Want to Mess with Whitey:" The Politics of Form in The Spook Who Sat by the Door

by Mary C. Schmitt

The Afro-Asian Rhetoric of Women's Liberation in Pam Grier's Coffy and Foxy Brown

by Erick Raven

A Noisy Protrusion: Queer Blackness, Practical Effects, and Cinematic Sound in Jamaa Fanaka's Welcome Home Brother Charles

by Patrick F. Walter

"Dreams do come true!": Black Queer Comedy in Rudy Ray Moore's The Human Tornado

by Ken Feil
‘I'm going to make sure your last few breaths feel like hell:' Blaxploitation as a Language for Black Women's Vengeance in Alice

by Matthew Richardson

Da Time Is Out of (a Spike Lee) Joint: Haunting Genre as Late Style in Da Sweet Blood of Jesus and Da 5 Bloods

by S.A. Wilder

CLOSE-UP: A Wide Shot: Expanding the Frame on Melvin Van Peebles


by Samuel Smucker

Ain't I Supposed to Die a Natural Death: A Theatrical Counterpoint to Sweetback

by Santi Elijah Holley

"Support Your Local Pornographer!": Radical Sexual Politics and the Making of Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song!

by Amy Abugo Ongiri

The Cinematic Break: DJ Aesthetics and Political Subjectivity in Melvin Van Peebles

by Matthew Holtmeier

Melvin Van Peebles's Hara-Kiri Tale(s) of Sex and Race

by Delphine Letort

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: The Correspondence of Melvin Van Peebles with Kermit Eby and June Greenlief

by Samuel Smucker

"He Felt Like He Could Be His True Self Here": An Interview with Christian Thivat, Producer of La Permission / Story of a Three Day Pass

by Samuel Smucker and Nathan Rabord

"It Was All Melvin!" An Interview with John B. Bennett, Producer of Watermelon Man

by Samuel Smucker

Between Burlesque and Black Horror: An Interview with Produce Jean-Pierre Saire on Melvin Van Peebles's Bellyfull

by Samuel Smucker

The Undefeated Chester Himes

by Melvin Van Peebles

The Right to Be Ordinary

by Melvin Van Peebles

Bibliography of Melvin Van Peebles's French Creative Works

by Samuel Smucker

Olivier Barlet Dossier

FESPACO, Pt. 4: The Future Stems from the Past

by Olivier Barlet


Vol. 16, No. 1 Table of Contents:

Call for Close-Up Submissions

Sambizanga (1972): Aesthetics and Politics of Sarah Maldoror's Film

CLOSE-UP: Reclaiming Blaxploitation in the Global Diaspora

by Joseph E. Roskos and André Seewood

Short Eyes and the Convergence of Nuyorican Poetry, Chicago Soul, and American Independent Cinema

by Cynthia Baron

"You Really Want to Mess with Whitey:" The Politics of Form in The Spook Who Sat by the Door

by Mary C. Schmitt

The Afro-Asian Rhetoric of Women's Liberation in Pam Grier's Coffy and Foxy Brown

by Erick Raven

A Noisy Protrusion: Queer Blackness, Practical Effects, and Cinematic Sound in Jamaa Fanaka's Welcome Home Brother Charles

by Patrick F. Walter

"Dreams do come true!": Black Queer Comedy in Rudy Ray Moore's The Human Tornado

by Ken Feil
‘I'm going to make sure your last few breaths feel like hell:' Blaxploitation as a Language for Black Women's Vengeance in Alice

by Matthew Richardson

Da Time Is Out of (a Spike Lee) Joint: Haunting Genre as Late Style in Da Sweet Blood of Jesus and Da 5 Bloods

by S.A. Wilder

CLOSE-UP: A Wide Shot: Expanding the Frame on Melvin Van Peebles


by Samuel Smucker

Ain't I Supposed to Die a Natural Death: A Theatrical Counterpoint to Sweetback

by Santi Elijah Holley

"Support Your Local Pornographer!": Radical Sexual Politics and the Making of Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song!

by Amy Abugo Ongiri

The Cinematic Break: DJ Aesthetics and Political Subjectivity in Melvin Van Peebles

by Matthew Holtmeier

Melvin Van Peebles's Hara-Kiri Tale(s) of Sex and Race

by Delphine Letort

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: The Correspondence of Melvin Van Peebles with Kermit Eby and June Greenlief

by Samuel Smucker

"He Felt Like He Could Be His True Self Here": An Interview with Christian Thivat, Producer of La Permission / Story of a Three Day Pass

by Samuel Smucker and Nathan Rabord

"It Was All Melvin!" An Interview with John B. Bennett, Producer of Watermelon Man

by Samuel Smucker

Between Burlesque and Black Horror: An Interview with Produce Jean-Pierre Saire on Melvin Van Peebles's Bellyfull

by Samuel Smucker

The Undefeated Chester Himes

by Melvin Van Peebles

The Right to Be Ordinary

by Melvin Van Peebles

Bibliography of Melvin Van Peebles's French Creative Works

by Samuel Smucker

Olivier Barlet Dossier

FESPACO, Pt. 4: The Future Stems from the Past

by Olivier Barlet

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