Le répertoire et les actus de la bande dessinée africaine


17/04/2015 > 07/05/2015 | Namibie

Stand up Comedy

Renseignements :

17/04/2015 > 07/05/2015
Lieu : Scène Nationale d'Orléans / Carré Saint Vincent

It is a concert that is to entertain,educate and advocate in a manner of social,political,gender and economic about the african countries and the regions that they face or being challenged.It is comic gags that has its own definition and surroundings.So many discussions,comments media conference and workshops are involved in this events


- Funding Commissions 17/04/2015 > 07/05/2015

Licence Creative Commons
Convention avec Wikiafrica / Wikipedia : les contenus d'Africultures sont librement partagés selon la licence Creative commons BY-SA 3.0 FR.
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